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you think you know me.

stubborn. the beach. madly in love. pictures. site seeing. traveling. eating i <3 food! family. friends. all things exciting. deserts. mochi. shopaholic. makeup. clothes. i <3 change, but can't seem to change. staying in my blankets watching movies. laying out in the sun. music<3. sleep &&naps. all forms of art <3. and i <3 life :)

hint 0fguilt.

Monday, May 30, 2011

"In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual."
-Galileo Galilei 

[target jeans, f21 shirt, && f21 accessory]
listening to: ROCK MAFIA - THE BIG BANG
my summer time clothing.. :D even though the weather has been pretty odd. :/  i hope everyone is enjoying their memorial weekend! :) i was suppose to go to Santa Barbara.. but as the procrastinator I am... the rooms were all booked! so I went tanning this weekend at the beach.. such a FAIL! I feel like my skin didn't even change one bit.. maybe my sunblock's SPF was too strong??! who knows! ahhhh! back to reality tomorrow! .. so lame, but as much as "some" of us hate working we have to do it. bcuz in the end. it's the paper that matters! money can't buy happiness. but it buys a lot of other things..  SO! i was cleaning out some things.. found a few stuff.. some that made me laugh, some that made me want to cry.. and some... that made me want to burn it all up! haha.. i found my old high school photo's .. O.M.G.  what was I wearing! LOL and a few other pictures of friends that I don't keep in touch with anymore.. ahh.. i'm starting to create a fear of aging... such a terrible fear. do you wanna hear how lame it is?? lol.. i'm starting to realize that once I hit a certain age, I won't be able to wear mini skirts, short shorts, and mini dresses! so i've been wearing them like no tomorrow. haha even on cold weather!(-___________________________-"")  so... I've been watching korean dramas late at night. so addicting. lol. The two I've been watching are titled: "City Hunters" && "Can you hear my heart" :D so addicting!


  1. Love your casual outfit and I really love your hair braided like that! :) Kinda wish I could tan, all I gets are freckles and burns. Jealoooous.

  2. i love bangs like that, so rock chick!

    xoxo elle
