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you think you know me.

stubborn. the beach. madly in love. pictures. site seeing. traveling. eating i <3 food! family. friends. all things exciting. deserts. mochi. shopaholic. makeup. clothes. i <3 change, but can't seem to change. staying in my blankets watching movies. laying out in the sun. music<3. sleep &&naps. all forms of art <3. and i <3 life :)

hint 0fguilt.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

no LA traffic!

currently listening to: Adele- Rolling in the Deep <3

i love Saturdays! the freeway was absolutely clear of drivers! of course there are still dumb drivers around... :/ .. so i bought an eyelash case today :P its from dollywink. its cute and not a bad price... a little expensive but its so cute! :D  and me and my good friends went out a few days ago. so here is a picture of me and one of my good friends. :P.. i use to believe there was no such thing as friendship.. because there are people that comes and goes in our lives and that's what i believe that happens with everyone.. but these group of friends are selfless, kind, considerate, and although we get on each others nerve sometimes, but at the end of the day they are there when I need them; vice versa. I don't believe in a best friend, but these girls are awesome! ^_^

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