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you think you know me.

stubborn. the beach. madly in love. pictures. site seeing. traveling. eating i <3 food! family. friends. all things exciting. deserts. mochi. shopaholic. makeup. clothes. i <3 change, but can't seem to change. staying in my blankets watching movies. laying out in the sun. music<3. sleep &&naps. all forms of art <3. and i <3 life :)

hint 0fguilt.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

ahhh california might have an earthquake this weekend. :/ they have predicted that it can be either in San Francisco, LA (where i'm at booOOo! ), and a few other areas...  I need to go buy emergency supplies tomorrow.. even if it doesnt happen tomorrow.. geologists and scientists said we're overdue already.. So I'm doing an online research on what an earthquake kit might include ... there are lots of websites that actually provide the products to you for a decent amount.. but I think I'm just going to go to the store instead and buy them... so here is MY list of the things that I would include (this is my list and is not approved or a certified list)
  • WATER and lots of it and the container should be something that would not be damaged easily like a soft drink bottle avoid containers like a milk carton or glass bottles that may break
  • First Aid Kit
  • a whistle
  • pocket tool
  • respirator mask
  • solar blanket
  • water filter
  • waterproof fire starter or waterproof matches or storm matches (wind & waterproof)
  • light stick that lasts up to a few good hours 12-36 hrs or longer is good
  • flashlight that uses d batteries (d batteries are suppose to work better when in high current drain applications like a large flashlight, radio transmitters, or just products with motor)
  • a food ration kit that last a couple days like ready to eat canned food including meat, fruits, or vegetables. (can be anything from snack bars, but avoid food that would make you thirsty. High energy food like peanut butter, jelly, crackers, trail mix, and granola bars will NOT make you thirsty. 
  • Comfort/Stress food: hard candy, tea bags, coffee, lollipops.
  • And don't forget petfood! :) 

I will look into it and see what else I can add onto the list. :) stay safe everyone! and the giveaway is coming up soon! :D


  1. Oh dear...this is what I get for not watching the news lately. =[ I live in LA too! >< thanks for the info though!

  2. My sister lives in Westminster, by LA? So I sent her a link to your post! She's only been there a while, and when I found out she didn't know about Japan's tsunami when it happened I figured maybe I should try and get her to read this. Otherwise she wouldn't have a second thought about it. So thank you!!
