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you think you know me.

stubborn. the beach. madly in love. pictures. site seeing. traveling. eating i <3 food! family. friends. all things exciting. deserts. mochi. shopaholic. makeup. clothes. i <3 change, but can't seem to change. staying in my blankets watching movies. laying out in the sun. music<3. sleep &&naps. all forms of art <3. and i <3 life :)

hint 0fguilt.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

happy birthday B!

 It was my lil' sis. bday the other day! <3 we just went clubbing with my good friends! and the zoo the next day :D It was crowded both days! but I had a lot of fun. hhmm you can't really tell what I used on my face as the makeup. err :/ but it's okay i'll give you a list anyways and a close up <3

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